employee volunteering

Bring to life the first ever school for children with language disorders in London.


More than 1.4 million children and young people in the UK have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). Language disorder is one of the most common childhood disorders affecting nearly 10% of all children and young people. There are over 100,000 children in the London area who have a long term speech and language impairment of which 14,000 would have severe and complex speech and language needs. However, there are only around 3,000 school places specifically for these children in both private and state provision.

Communication ability has a major influence on life and educational outcomes with the Communication Trust estimating that 10% of young people with SLCN will have contact with the criminal justice system with only 15% achieving the equivalent of 5 A to C grades at GSCE level. Up to 50% of children in deprived areas will start school with a communication difficulty.


Eagle Oak Impact are currently seeking to raise funds of up to £5-£10 million for their first school for children with speech, language, and communication needs in London as their preliminary research and personal experience indicates that there is a severe shortage of appropriate school places for children with these needs.

They are on the Matchable platform looking for advice and support with establishing the capital structure, offering materials for investors to specify the terms of their investment and shares, structuring to support SEIS and EIS if needed and after the capital raising legal support with purchasing a property and contracts for construction and development of the property.


Eagle Oak Impact are looking for individuals ideally with experience in corporate law, equity capital raising and property post capital raising.


Individual(s) needed ASAP.

Project to be spread over time of fundraising and subsequent property acquisition. Individual involvement to be discussed depending on availability.

Initial meeting in person, subsequently work can be done remotely with meetings/phone/email contact as needed.


Learn about the incredible work that Eagle Oak Impact do

  • Develop and use your expertise to make a real impact, tangibly contributing to a wider cause and purpose

  • Gain confidence in your transferable skills, practice your leadership skills outside of your specialism