Mustard + Softwire

IN SEPTEMBER 2019, WE MATCHED SOCIAL IMPACT STARTUP, MUSTARD, WITH DEVELOPERS, SOFTWIRE. is an innovative sustainability startup helping individuals to reduce their carbon footprint through everyday actionable steps. They needed technical support to enhance the way that users engaged with the community and their content in order to scale their impact. 

We matched them with digital engineers and one of the Sunday Times 100 Best Small Companies to work for, Softwire, who were looking for projects where their trainee developers could gain relevant experience and refine their skills whilst working on engaging solutions to real world problems. Following the 4 week project, the outcome was a much more interactive site giving visitors the ability to login, calculate their carbon footprint and track their progress. 

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In building a new website for Mustard, our trainees gained skills in all aspects of software development, including requirements gathering and status reporting. The website was deployed to live immediately, capping a tremendously fulfilling experience and a great start to life at Softwire.

Finding suitable, high-social-impact training projects with sufficient stakeholder buy-in has been a constant headache for Softwire. With Matchable it was a breeze – we selected the most suitable project from a short tailored list, and got started the very next day.
— Chris Harris, Head of Project Delivery, Softwire

RSPCA + Trendwatching


The British Red Cross + Ashurst